Art and Design
Miss Chadli
At Marlborough, we believe that Art and Design Technology is an important part of developing pupils’ ability and skills to express their individual creativity. We firmly believe the arts are extremely important and therefore, they form an essential part of our broad and balanced curriculum. Our intent is to promote and develop pupils’ creative talents within a stimulating environment. Our pupils are presented with opportunities to express and develop creatively through investigating and exploring skills using a wide range of materials from drawing, painting, printing, 3D work, collage and cooking. Through practical exploration, planning, designing and evaluating, pupils’ develop their handling of materials and demonstrate skill progression as they continue their learning journey through each key stage at Marlborough Primary School.
We allocate ample time for pupils to fully explore Art and Design Technology through our ‘Learning Means the World’ Dimensions Curriculum. Art and DT is taught explicitly to all pupils across the school, providing them with a broad and challenging curriculum. We have ensured appropriate coverage of the Art and DT Curriculum through a thematic approach.
Sketch books are provided to all learners in all year groups as we place importance on recording, expressing and practicing key skills.
Consistent auditing of resources ensures that our pupils have the opportunity to explore and use a range of materials to support their progression of skills. This stimulates curiosity and engages pupils with practical and hands-on experiences.
We embrace the creative work of all of our pupils and celebrate both Art and Design Technology work through our social media platforms, Microsoft Teams and our gallery display board within school.
Our cross curricular approach helps to create connections and transferable links, as we strive to develop the whole child. Pupils are taught in thematic units where cross curricular links are clear and purposeful between Art and DT and all other subjects. Furthermore, we provide enrichment activities and special themed events such as Healthy Eating Week, Black History Month and Science Week etc. to promote Art and DT in a meaningful way.
We have a range of extra-curricular activities which focus on using Art and DT to support mental health and wellbeing. Art therapy is provided in school, supporting specific pupils to communicate and express themselves in a safe environment. Furthermore, ‘Expressive Arts’ is an after school club where pupils can further develop skills in Art and ‘Craft Club’ is offered to pupils to have an extra opportunity to be creative in DT.
Art and Design Technology also form an integral part of our Home Learning package, ‘Marlborough’s Magic Menu’. Hands on and creative tasks are set with explicit links to the pupils’ current topic or theme.
- Pupils will have a wealth of knowledge and skills in art and DT
- An enhanced learning experience allowing freedom of expression
- An engaging and stimulating platform for pupils to design, make and evaluate
- Ability to confidently articulate learning using key vocabulary
- Heightened confidence in a range of Art and Design technology skills (painting, drawing, 3D work, cooking, collage)
- Developing Impressive knowledge and understanding of influential artists, craft makers and designers
- Independence, initiative and originality when creating work
- A passion for the Arts
- Progression of skills and knowledge in Art and Design Technology
- Open ended projects exploring a range of materials engage learners
- Hands on experiences using Art and Design Technology resources (clay, pastels, paints, 3D materials etc.)
- Produce creative work exploring ideas and recording experiences