Important Documents
- Computing Curriculum Map
- Computing Progression of Skills Year 1 to 6
- Computing Skills Wheels Year 1 to 6
- Computing Vocabulary Year 1 to 6
- Online Safety Curriculum map 2
Miss Ladan Mursal
At Marlborough, our intent for Computing is, to prepare our learners for their future by giving them opportunities to gain knowledge and develop skills that will equip them for the demands of the 21st century and the technological world that awaits them in the future. Knowledge and understanding of computing is of increasing importance for children’s future both at home and for employment. Therefore, we want to model and educate our pupils on how to use technology positively, responsibly and safely.
With this is mind, when teaching Computing at Marlborough, we provide a curriculum which caters for the needs of all individuals. We use the overviews provided by Purple Mash to support the teaching and learning of the National Curriculum objectives focusing on the progression of skills in computer science, information technology, digital literacy and online safety.
Our aim is to develop pupil’s ability to use technology to share their learning in creative ways and cross curricular learning to engage children and enrich their experiences in school. Pupils are introduced to a wide range of technology, including laptops, iPads and interactive whiteboards, allowing them to continually practice and improve the skills they learn. This ensures they become digitally literate so that they are able to express themselves and develop their ideas through information and computer technology– at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world. Our intent through all our Computing Teaching and Learning is for our pupils to become digital creators, using technology to support other areas of their work and lives, and also to understand the responsibilities of being digital consumers.
Teaching and Learning, Content and Sequence
Our scheme of work for Computing is adapted from the ‘Purple Mash’ Scheme and covers all aspects of the National Curriculum. This scheme was chosen as Purple Mash is an award-winning cross-curricular website which enables children to explore and enhance their knowledge in a fun and creative. The curriculum aims to equip young people with the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to thrive in the digital world of today and the future. The curriculum can be broken down into 3 strands: computer science, information technology and digital literacy, with the aims of the curriculum reflecting this distinction.
The National Curriculum for Computing aims to ensure all pupils:
- can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation (Computer Science)
- can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems (Computer Science)
- can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems (Information Technology)
- are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology. (Digital Literacy)
All classes will have a scheduled Computing lesson each week but will be taught Computing alongside other curriculum subjects.
Resources and Equipment
To help with our implementation of the computing curriculum we have a variety of hardware available to all teachers and pupils, including:
- A fully equipped computer room with 30 computers
- 3 sets of class laptops
- A set of class iPad
- Soundbars in a some classrooms
As well as this, each classroom has access to an interactive whiteboard and class iPad.
Feedback and Assessment
Through our teaching, we continuously monitor pupils’ progress against expected attainment for their age, making formative assessment notes where appropriate and using these to inform our teaching and planning. All computing work is stored either in children’s online profiles or in whole class floor book.
At the end of a unit of work teachers make a summary judgement about the work of each pupil in relation to the success criteria outlined at the beginning of the unit of work, and records these judgements termly.
Online Safety
At Marlborough, safeguarding our children is paramount to everything that we do. We recognise that the online world is posing an ever-increasing risk to children, and it is important that schools, parents and carers work together to take an active role in teaching children about online dangers. Learning how to act safely when using the internet is an incredibly important part of safeguarding our children.
As a school, we have subscribed to National Online Safety (NOS), a comprehensive provider of online safeguarding resources. The website empowers teachers, school staff, parents and carers with the knowledge they need to keep children safe online. Through adopting a whole school community approach, we are now working towards becoming a certified school in online safety.
Children are taught about online safety in a variety of different ways:
- through dedicated online safety weeks where pupils complete a range of tasks and learning around keeping themselves and others safe using technology
- within assemblies for both the whole school and within key stages as run by the Online Safety Lead
- within computing lessons and PSHE lessons
- through school displays and discussions.
Cross Curricular Links
Computing appears in our Dimensions units where children are provided with the opportunity to apply their computing knowledge in other curriculum areas. Laptops and iPads are available to use in classes to support the teaching and learning in all curriculum areas.
Digital Leaders
As a school, we want equip pupils to use computational thinking and creativity that will enable them to become active participants in the digital world. With this in mind, we know that there are children who are talented in using technology. In the Spring term, we will be providing pupils in KS2 with an opportunity to apply for the digital leader role. Digital leaders are the pupil monitors for the technology that is used in schools. They are children who are interested, enthusiastic and have the potential to be role models. Their job is to be advocates for good behaviour with technology, support teachers where ever possible and to showcase a range of digital skills. Most importantly, after some initial training they are able to develop their own skills.
Parental Engagement
It is important to have the support of parents at Marlborough, parents are kept up to date with all Online Safety related topics. Parents have been given access to use the NOS website which has a number of guides inform parents about online apps, games and social media platforms that their children may be interacting with. Each guide covers what the platform is used for, what the associated age rating is, the associated risks and what they could do to help their child navigate the game/app/platform safely. Along with the app-specific platform guides, parents have access to online safety training. Guides are posted on the school newsletter and social media account for all parents to access.
Staff CPD (Continual Professional Development)
As a school, we believe that staff CPD is a way to ensure the skills and knowledge remain current and in line with the latest statutory guidance. We upskill staff and ensure individuals have the most up-to-date knowledge and expertise in their field. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. All staff have a responsibility to provide a safe environment in which children can learn. This includes protecting children from online harm and abuse and risks such as CSE, online bullying or online sexual harassment. All teaching staff at Marlborough have received online safety training that is integrated, aligned and considered as part of the overarching safeguarding approach. (Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) statutory guidance 2020).
The successful teaching of Computing at Marlborough Primary School will allow children to understand and appreciate the value of Computing in the context of their personal wellbeing and the technological, creative and cultural industries and their many career opportunities.
As a result of the above, the following can be seen:
- Pupils are competent and safe users of technology with an understanding of how technology works.
- Pupils experience of a wide variety of teaching techniques to develop their knowledge and skills.
- Children are enthused and engaged in their lessons and produce high-standard work.
- Pupils are able to talk about their learning with confidence.
- The quality of children’s learning is evident in their class floor books.
- Pupils are confident in saving their work on digital platforms.
- Children are provided with the building blocks that enable them to pursue a wide range of digital interests and vocations in the next stage of their lives.
- Children can talk about the importance of Online Safety and how to keep safe online.