- Long Term Science Overview
- Nursery Scientist Poster
- Reception Scientist Poster
- Y1 Scientist Poster
- Y2 Scientist Poster
- Y3 Scientist Poster
- Y4 Scientist Poster
- Y5 Scientist Poster
- Y6 Scientist Poster
Science Lead: Mrs Khilji
At Marlborough Primary School, we provide quality science education that equips children with the foundations they need to recognise the importance of science in every aspect of daily life.
The science curriculum at Marlborough Primary School strives to encourage children to become independent scientists who are beginning to explore and question the world around them, using appropriate scientific vocabulary and well-structured discussions alongside relevant scientific knowledge. Through our science curriculum, we aim to provide children with the skills needed to seek out the answers to scientific questions they have, helping them to make sense of the world in which we live.
Scientific enquiry skills are embedded in a range of thematic units that the children study across the school. Topics are revisited during their education and developed further over time which enables children to build upon their prior knowledge and increase their enthusiasm for learning.
Our whole school approach is designed to develop scientific knowledge and skills from Early Years to Year 6. Our curriculum is creative, provides breadth and balance, is relevant and engaging and is adapted to meet the needs and abilities of all children to ensure that all pupils excel.
Teaching and Learning, Coverage of National Curriculum
At Marlborough, Science is delivered through our ‘Learning Means the World’ cross-curricular thematic units which are linked to relevant topics of today’s world. Science Curriculum Maps have been carefully planned to ensure coverage and progression from Nursery to Year 6. Teachers refer to these documents to support the teaching and learning of National Curriculum objectives by planning stimulating and challenging lessons. Alongside these materials, we use a variety of resources to ensure that children are immersed in hands on and practical learning opportunities within science lessons.
Scientific Skills:
Scientific enquiry is a priority at Marlborough and we ensure that opportunities to develop scientific skills are embedded in all year groups. Children are provided with opportunities to develop their understanding of Working Scientifically enquiries through clearly scaffolded and structured lessons, during these opportunities, real life links are used to help children develop and deepen their understanding of scientific concepts and application of skills. Stimulating hands-on resources are used to not only enthuse children but to feed their curiosities. Teachers ensure that children are provided with opportunities to practise their scientific skills by re-visiting them in various units throughout the year so that they are embedded within their understanding. At Marlborough, scientific skills are clearly mapped out to show progression from Nursey to Year6.
Feedback and Assessment
Teachers continuously monitor pupil’s progress and attainment against the objectives being covered. Teachers use these assessments to inform future science teaching. Assessment is embedded within lessons through live and verbal feedback. Feedback is provided in a variety of ways such as to challenge learners, encourage deeper thinking, apply skills in a different way and address misconceptions. In turn, children are continuously progressing within learning. All feedback is provided in line with our Marking and Feedback policy.
Formative assessments are completed within all lessons to allow teachers to identify the children who need further support with taught concepts and who require to be stretched and challenged.
End of unit multiple choice quizzes are given to assess overall understanding of key scientific concepts covered. This helps pupils to not only recall their prior learning but also show secure understanding of new concepts.
SEND pupils and Inclusion
Science lessons are fully inclusive and teachers adopt a variety of strategies to ensure that all children can access the learning appropriately. Scientific investigations are adapted to meet the needs of all pupils. Quality resources like widget are used to support pupils in accessing their learning.
Knowledge Organisers
Knowledge organisers are created by teachers and shared with children at the beginning of a unit and referred to throughout. They provide a summary of a topic with key vocabulary and essential knowledge.
Skills of a Scientist posters
Skills of a scientist posters are created and shared with all year groups which are referred to during lessons and investigations. This helps pupils to develop and deepen their understanding of skills of a scientist and their application during investigations.
Scientific Vocabulary
Correct scientific vocabulary is used throughout all science lessons and children are supported in using the language accurately and effectively. Key scientific vocabulary is displayed on Working Walls and Knowledge Organisers for all year groups and referred to in all lessons.
Resources and Equipment
A designated area is allocated for science resources. Resources and equipment are audited on regular basis to ensure pupils have access to high-quality equipment to support their learning. Our resources allow children to have opportunities to engage in high quality, practical learning and investigations which in turn leads to a better understanding of key scientific concepts.
Home Learning
At Marlborough we have a cross-curricular approach to home learning where activities are set linked to the topics/thematic units children are studying at the time. Science activities are planned for in all year groups Home Learning which enables children to consolidate knowledge and skills covered throughout the term.
Whole school events
At Marlborough, we celebrate numerous Science events throughout the academic year. These include focused days like Women in Science Day, Solar Week, Science week, Healthy Eating week and Animal Workshops. Such events unite the whole school in opportunities to celebrate and showcase Science. Various competitions are also planned from time to time according to our priorities so that our students are empowered to participate and contribute towards a better world and have a better understanding of the world they live in.
Staff CPD (Continual Professional Development)
As a school, we recognise the importance professional development and the crucial role it plays in the provision of high-quality teaching and learning. All staff are encouraged to seek support, raise questions and request for training in order to ensure that they are confident of their subject knowledge. Useful resources and websites are shared with staff from time to time in order to equip them with outstanding tools for teaching science. Informal conversations and dialogue is also used to support staff.
Best practice is shared with staff through meetings, INSETs and emails. All CPD is used to inform teaching and learning across school. Personalised CPDs are delivered to meet the needs of our staff, who continuously strive to build upon their teaching skills.
High quality and effective leadership in science is an imperative element in enhancing teaching practice and student outcomes. At Marlborough, our science leader has a clear role and is responsible for the progress of all the children.
The Science Leader is expected to:
- Support teachers in developing their subject knowledge to cater for their pupils’ needs.
- Support their staff in developing professionally by sharing quality resources and recommending useful CPD to improve their expertise
- Create strong links between leadership and learning so that quality of provision and student outcomes are improved.
- Increase parental engagement so that profile of science is enhanced
- Develop their own knowledge and skills to heighten the implementations of science.
- Collaborate with senior leadership team in analysing data to inform their practice and future actions.
- Consistently monitor the quality of science provision through book look, planning monitoring, pupil voice, staff voice and learning walks.
Our high quality and well thought out Science curriculum has been specifically planned to ensure that progression of skills and knowledge over time is evident. The successful teaching of Science at Marlborough Primary School will result in a fun, engaging and high-quality science education that provides children with the foundations for understanding of the world.
As a result of the above, the following can be seen:
- Pupils experience of a wide variety of teaching techniques to develop their knowledge and skills.
- Children are enthused and engaged in their lessons and produce high-standard work.
- High quality and differentiated resources used to support and extend their learning
- Pupils are able to talk about their learning with confidence. They can make links between scientific concepts in the real world and apply their knowledge and understanding in different scenarios.
- Pupils receive personalized support to meet the age-related expectations due to continuous formative assessments.
- Teachers make secure judgements with the help of assessment grids, formative assessment and Insight. This results in reducing learning gaps as teachers are able to identify students who need more support and students who need challenge.
- Target children/ groups make progress because of personalised tutoring.