Inclusion (SEND & EAL)
SEND Co-ordinator: Mrs Jaffer
Most children and young people in mainstream schools will have their special educational needs met through good classroom practice. This is called Quality First Teaching.
In deciding whether to make special education provision to support educational, social, physical or emotional needs, we:
Work in partnership with parents/carers, pupils
Consult with relevant external agencies
Use assessment tools & materials
Use observations
Use Short Notes
Where a pupil is identified as having a special educational need we follow a graduated approach which takes the form of cycles of “Assess, Plan, Do, Review”.
This means that we will:
Assess a child’s special educational needs – This would include assessment by teachers supported by the SENCO, Observations and assessments carried out by the educational psychologist and advice from outside agencies.
Plan the provision to meet your child’s aspirations and agreed outcomes – Additional or different provision is planned by the class teacher with support from the SENCO and external advice where it has been requested. Targets are set and formalised in a short note, a support plan or an EHCP and are discussed with parents/carers and the child.
Do put the provision in place to meet those outcomes – Interventions are out in place and time and support is allocated for them to be carried out.
Review the support and progress – The impact of any intervention is reviewed with teachers, parents/carers and the child looking at progress towards targets and next steps.
As part of this approach every child with SEN will have an individualised SEN Support Plan that describes the child’s needs, outcomes & provision to meet those needs. Parents/carers and child/young person (where appropriate) views are integral to this process.
A small percentage of children and young people with significant and/or complex needs may require an assessment that could lead to an Education, Health and Care Plan.
An EHC assessment would be carried out where the current levels of support and intervention are not leading to improved progress for the child and where further support might be needed to ensure the needs of an individual child are fully met.
Current additional EHCP support includes specialist speech, language and communication support, additional support for children with physical difficulties to access the full curriculum, emotional and social support for children where this is impacting on their learning and additional support with cognition and learning to ensure that the pace and level of learning meets the needs of the child.
At Marlborough, we assess children’s progress against national expectations and age related expectations. Assessment is an ongoing part of the teaching process with teachers and teaching assistants noting achievements, areas for further development and next steps in learning.
We formally assess Reading, Writing and Maths each term. Individual targets are set for children and their progress is tracked from Baseline on entry through to the end of Year 6. The results are reported to parents at the end of each Key Stage – EYFS, Year 2 and Year 6.
A pupil progress meeting is held each term and if a child is not making the expected progress towards their targets, further support is discussed. When a child’s support plan is reviewed progress towards their targets is monitored and if they are not on track the targets will be reviewed and if necessary adjusted such as breaking the target down into smaller steps or taking a different approach.
On entry we carry out baseline assessments and identify the children’s strengths and any areas for development.
If a child is performing below age related expectations this will be discussed with the class teacher and SENCO and further observations may be carried out.
Where issues such as behaviour or confidence are impacting on performance these issues will be raised.
We have an open door policy and as well as regular formal meetings, there are informal opportunities for parents/carers to raise concerns.
We have speech and language support and any child causing concern will be assessed with parent/carer agreement. The school runs a movement programme for children with fine and gross motor skills difficulties. We also work closely with the school nurse, the educational psychologist, occupational therapy and CAHMS.
How we ensure access to appropriate high quality teaching, differentiation and intervention
At Marlborough all our teachers and support staff are experienced and regularly access training to further develop their practice. Through quality first teaching teachers plan for all individuals and groups within their class, ensuring that the needs of each child are met. In addition to carefully differentiated class teaching, the teachers plan high quality interventions for children to ensure that they are bridging any gaps in their learning.
How the ‘assess, plan, do, review’ cycle is incorporated into SEN provision.
The ‘assess, plan, do, review’ cycle (ADPR) is incorporated into SEN provision through formative assessment on a day-to-day basis and through more formal reviews of pupil progress and progress towards support plan targets. These are discussed with parents/carers in regular meetings as well as on a more informal basis through our open door policy.
How parents and pupils are involved in the APDR cycle
Parents/carers and pupils are involved in the ADPR cycle through both informal and formal meetings. There are regular opportunities for parents to discuss progress informally with the class teacher and formal opportunities in SEN review meetings and parents evenings. Children’s targets and progress are discussed with them at an appropriate level. Children know what they are working on and are involved in evaluating and celebrating their successes.
We evaluate the high quality teaching including differentiation, personalisation and interventions through the monitoring of the impact and pupil progress. As a school we also carry out book scrutiny, lesson observations, learning walks and pupil voice sessions. We also carry out pupil and parent surveys which cover the quality of teaching and learning and use the feedback from these to inform our future planning.
We ensure that there is a holistic approach in addressing all needs by considering all the factors, which might be impacting on a child’s progress. At Marlborough we value all children for their individual abilities and talents in all areas and celebrate these.
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