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Marlborough Primary School

Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is extra funding given to schools so that they can support their disadvantaged pupils and ensure that they make as much progress as their peers and therefore help close the attainment gap. 

Schools receive funding for pupils who have been registered for Free School Meals (FSM) at any point in the last six years. Schools also receive funding for children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months and children of service personnel. 

Marlborough Primary School's total Pupil Premium allocation for 2024-25 is £147,920

All schools have the freedom to spend the Premium, which is additional to the underlying schools budget, in a way they think will best support the raising of attainment for the most vulnerable pupils.

An evaluation of how Marlborough Primary School spent the Pupil Premium, as well as the impact this had, can be downloaded and viewed in the report shown on this page.